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Saturday, December 03, 2005


Without Wishing to Sound Sub-Seinfeld ...

... I'm going to sound sub-Seinfeld; whenever I hear "the Little Drummer Boy" (and I'm beginning to hear it a lot these days) I always think, "as a parent of a newborn, is that what I would really want? Some youthful Keith Moon turning up, unannounced, and bashing away for an hour or two?". It's bad enough when it's next door, but I guess we should be thankful he wasn't accompanied by his otherwise ever-present mates, Little Bass Boy, Little Shouty Angst Boy, and Little Rev His Commodore Aimlessly for Hours on End Boy.

I bring my ipod to the grocery store now so I don't have to be subjected to the christmas music. The only thing redeeming about this holiday for me is that the Hickory Farms booth shows up at the mall. I just love their cheese logs. Bah humbug, I know.
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