Thursday, August 13, 2020
As you may or may not know, I am a keen student of umbrellas. This marvellous device has been keeping rain (and sun) off countless generations since its invention about 4000 years ago in China. Which means you probably could count the generations, but let's not.
In fact, a great highlight of mine was visiting Launceston's Ye Olde Umbrella Shoppe, where I was served by Ye Olde Umbrella Shoppe Ladye who was a hundred if she was a day.
Where am I going with this? Netflix has released another installment of their documentary "The Umbrella Academy". While distracting enough, there is very little information to be gleaned about umbrellas, and instead an ape creature continually taunts a small boy. Quite disappointing. 1 star.
Still Alive
Technically, anyway.